Strategic Management 13th Edition By Fred R. David Pedal Editores Grabb
Strategic Management 13th Edition By Fred R. David Pedal Editores Grabb =====
Review of Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases by Fred R. David
Strategic management is a vital skill for any business leader who wants to gain and sustain a competitive advantage in today's complex and dynamic environment. But how can one learn the latest concepts and techniques of strategic management in a clear and practical way
One possible answer is to read Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases by Fred R. David, a renowned author and professor of management. This book, now in its 13th edition, provides a comprehensive and updated coverage of strategic-management theory, research, and practice, with a focus on developing skills through exercises and cases.
The book is divided into three parts: Part 1 introduces the basic concepts and tools of strategic management, such as vision, mission, objectives, external and internal analysis, strategy formulation, implementation, and evaluation. Part 2 presents 30 cases of real-world organizations from various industries and countries, illustrating how they apply strategic management to deal with their challenges and opportunities. Part 3 offers additional resources for instructors and students, such as a glossary, appendices, references, and an index.
One of the strengths of this book is its pedagogical features that enhance learning and retention. Each chapter begins with a list of learning objectives, key terms, and an outline. The text is written in a clear and engaging style, with examples, diagrams, tables, and figures to illustrate the main points. Each chapter ends with a summary, review questions, experiential exercises, assurance of learning exercises, Internet exercises, ethical dilemma exercises, endnotes, and suggested readings.
Another strength of this book is its integration of current research and practice in strategic management. The author has updated the content with the latest data, statistics, trends, theories, models, frameworks, methods, tools, best practices, examples, and cases from various sources. The book also reflects the impact of the global recession on the business environment and how it has changed the strategic-management landscape.
A third strength of this book is its relevance and applicability to different types of organizations and situations. The book covers both concepts and cases that are relevant to large and small businesses, profit and nonprofit organizations, domestic and international firms, manufacturing and service industries, emerging and mature markets, and different functional areas and levels of management. The book also encourages readers to apply their knowledge and skills to their own organizations or situations through various exercises and cases.
In conclusion, Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases by Fred R. David is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn or teach strategic management in a comprehensive and practical way. The book offers a balance of theory and practice that is both rigorous and relevant. The book is available from Pedal Editores Grabb (PEG), a leading publisher of business books in Belgium. ec8f644aee